About Me
Hi there,
my name is Robin Wolff (21 years old) and I've been programming since I was 14 years old.
I started with Java extensions for the well-known computer game Minecraft (plugins). A short time later I also started with SQL-based databases (MySQL; later MariaDB).
After sticking with it for a long time, I've evolved towards JavaScript (NodeJS). Here I developed bots for the gamer chat platform "Discord". Databases are involved, too. Over time, Java development crept out here and I focused more and more on JavaScript. At that time I was 16 years old. I also got a taste of shell coding for a short time, but only wrote very simple scripts for installing software packages. I dealt with non-SQL databases even more briefly. Another info video on how MongoDB works was already over. "I just get along better with SQL-based databases" was my reasoning at the time.
At the age of 17 I learned PHP alongside JavaScript. I started writing simple websites. SQL was added here just as quickly as with JavaScript. At the same time as SQL I have started to write web interfaces. I started by taking a web interface from GitHub and modifying it. One function out here, one in there.
I now have an almost completely self-written hosting interface.
2023, I discovered the PHP-framework Symfony and started learning it. A big help was a developer from "Technik Begeistert", who tought me hwo to use it. Until now (2025) I did two bigger Projects: One was a custom development for a client, who needed an order-management. The other one was a dashboard for a public Discordbot (Modguard), but for efficiency reasons, it got replaced by NextJS.
There are also some more projects waiting, to be realized.
I have worked with various API interfaces across all programming languages or even designed and written some myself.
Starting with the relatively simple API to interact with the computer game Minecraft (Java) to the REST API from Discord to breathe life into my bots to various REST full APIs which are represented in my hosting interface. Here could be mentiond Proxmox (Virtualization), Mollie (payment provider) or Lexoffice (accounting software).
2025, a friend recommended me, to have a look at NextJS. It should be much faster than PHP, since it is written in JavaScript, but right now, I'm not sure, if I like it. We will see.
In addition to my own company in the hosting scene, I'm studying at the University of Wuppertal. Here I am aiming for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
My Company
In addition to my studies, I founded a company that offers various hosting services under different labels.
The currently largest label is "HeroServ". Here we offer pretty much everything your heart desires. In addition to domains, webspaces & KVM servers, we also offer radio streaming servers. Various licenses & game servers are also available from us. In addition to various other services, we also offer custom developments.
But how did we start?
2019 I started with a free hosting. There I started collecting valuable information about how Linux, network and servers in general are working. We provided gameserver and webspaces.
While providing free hosting, I also started creating custom Discord-Bots for Communities on Discord and I created Plugins for Minecraftserver.
2021, I registered my business official. From this time, I stopped free hosting and moved to paid hosting. We also expanded our product range: We also offered Domains, VPS, dedicated servers and TeamSpeak-Server.
In 2022, I started a second Brand for business customers. Those are able to pay a monthly bill, have some more products and cheaper prices and other support possibilities. In 2022, we also got our first dedicated server.
Jumping foreward to the middle of 2023, I bought the Hosting-Company "HeroServ", which is now our main lable. After that, we also started looking for some new partners for providing some new products. The result: We were able to provide some new licenses, like phone-systems (including phone-numbers).
At the beginning of 2024, we upgraded our dedicated server, since it was nearly 90% full.
My References
Jugend Forscht
I have already taken part in Jugend Forscht 3 times with 2 projects. In the first year I investigated paper airplanes. I compared different models with each other. I also changed the weight of the paper and the size. Each paper airplane was thrown several times and the distance and time were measured. To get a comparable value, I determined the average and displayed the individual throws in a box plot.
In my second (and third) project, I developed a machine that can bake the French pastry macarons almost automatically. To do this, I analyzed different materials, types of glue and the stability of the glue, among other things. I then built a metal frame, programmed the control system and built two different feeders. One for the dough and one for the filling.
Arbeit Papierflieger |
Arbeit Macarons |
Arbeit Macarons 2.0 & Bilder
World Robot Olympiad
In 2019, I took part in the World Robot Olympics with someone else. The task was to build a robot out of Lego Technic that would solve given tasks. That year, the task was to lay cables and transformers in a certain way. The programming was done using LEGO's own software and the EV3 logic module.
Bilder & Videos
My PGP Keys
E-Mail |
Fingerprint |
Link |
robin.wolff@bergische-woelffe.de |
A89CC4D628CB42D379B0 25AEB82D5780D9A32B61 |
*Click* |
privat@robin-w.de |
86134A2C3F8658181CE0 2F16DEF1FF72A73BB9BFB |
*Click* |
2121444@uni-wuppertal.de |
B04F1322B9B2BA7E08EE 2E986A9E119D6E683FEF2 |
*Click* |
Angaben nach Dienstanbieter im Sinne gemäß §5 TMG
Robin Wolff
c/o Grosch Postflex #1081,
Emsdettener Str 10,
48268 Greven,
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