About Me

Hi there,

my name is Robin Wolff (21 years old) and I've been programming since I was 14 years old.
I started with Java extensions for the relatively well-known computer game Minecraft (plugins). A short time later I also started with SQL-based databases (MySQL; later MariaDB).
After sticking with it for a long time, I've evolved towards JavaScript. Here I developed bots for the gamer chat platform "Discord". Here, too, databases were added very quickly. Over time, Java development crept out here and I focused more and more on JavaScript. At that time I was 16 years old. I also got a taste of shell coding for a short time, but only wrote very simple scripts for installing software packages. I dealt with non-SQL databases even more briefly. Another info video on how MongoDB works was already over. "I just get along better with SQL-based databases" was my reasoning at the time.
At the age of 17 I learned PHP alongside JavaScript. I started writing simple websites. SQL was added here just as quickly as with JavaScript. At the same time as SQL I have started to write web interfaces. I started by taking a web interface from GitHub and modifying it. One function out here, one in there.
I now have an almost completely self-written hosting interface.

I have worked with various API interfaces across all programming languages ​​or even designed and written some myself.
Starting with the relatively simple API to interact with the computer game Minecraft (Java) to the REST API from Discord to breathe life into my bots to various REST full APIs which are represented in my hosting interface.

In addition to my own company in the hosting scene, I'm studying at the University of Wuppertal. Here I am aiming for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.


In addition to my studies, I founded a company that offers various hosting services under different labels.

The currently largest label is "RTN-Hosting". Here we offer pretty much everything your heart desires. In addition to domains, webspaces & KVM servers, we also offer radio streaming servers. Various licenses & game servers are also available from us. In addition to various other services, we also offer custom developments.
Another label that is similarly positioned is "EKN". Here, too, we offer pretty much everything your heart desires.
The label "Musicbots" also belongs to us. There are free music bots for the Teamspeak communication platform. In addition to web radio streams, these bots can also be used to play YouTube links.

We have a few more labels, but these are the biggest we have. Other labels from us are represented in the areas of hosting and contract development.

My Projects

I have already implemented a few projects. But mostly smaller ones.

In PHP, for example, I have further developed & fixed some extensions & modules for the shop system WHMCS. However, I am currently in the process of creating my own shop system. In this context I am also working on a completely own CMS.
In Java I develop a lot for the video game Minecraft, which can be extended with plugins. Here I have already written some very complex systems. For example, I have written a system here that supports the load balancers or a complete economy system. I am currently developing a complete network with a few other developers. However, I don't only do developments for Minecraft, but also desktop applications in Java. However, this is currently only within the framework of the university.
Another project I'm working on at the moment is a discord bot, which besides useful functions like ban, kick, mute etc. also contains relatively funny functions. The aim is to create a bot that can do as much as possible, but is also relatively good.
All of these projects work with the MySQL database system in order to store data as sensibly as possible and to access and retrieve it from multiple sites.

In some of these projects I am also the lead developer, which of course involves some organizational tasks in addition to the development itself.
